I apologize. That was an online vent of excitement, frustration and everything in between. I am currently back in Notts for a few days until heading to les beau Paris on Thursday. My last week was spent at an all inclusive in the Canary Islands. For seven days I ate and drank till my hearts content, played excessive amounts of pool, spent Christmas day at the beach, and learned that it really is not OK to drink from the tap in Gran Canaria. Lesson learned.
Overall it was a quality week and met some great people. Italians, Swiss, Belgians and some Germans for good measure. I didn't realize how much French I can actually speak until put in a situation where the person reall
Needless to say it was a great vacation and I am tres excite to spend New Years in Paris. However, until Thursday I am home alone in Notts and as much fun as it to frolic in my tropical 10 degree house a little thing called work continually nags at my conscious. My current task involves writing a script for my play writing module. Sounds fun right? At times yes but in moments when one spends an hour staring at an empty page the feeling can be both terrifying and annoying. One moment a surge of creativity overwhelms the mind and your fingers tap the keyboard like Mozart on speed. The next you've turned into a bald Britney Spears with no direction, little inspiration and the artistic imagination of a vegetable. Who new play writing could be such a roller coaster ride of emotion? Hopefully by the end I will look through the pages and be content with the finished product. Until then, I'll be sure to steer clear of electric shavers.
Till 2010, Happy Holidays and have a great New Year!
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